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Night Shot Monday – 072

72° Night Shot Monday.

Un altro scatto del Colosseo realizato durante la mia uscita serale ai Fori Imperiali…

Ma è una foto scattata nel XXI secolo, oppure… ?

ISO = 100, F-Stop = f/8, tempo d’esposizione =  20 Sec

72th Night Shot Monday.

Another shot of the Coliseum taken during my evening outing to the  Imperial Fora ..

But it is a photo taken in the twenty-first century, or … ?

ISO = 100, F-Stop = f/8, exposure time =  20 Sec  

Night Shot Monday – 72

Questa settimana è in corso il
 Monday Night Shot – 72
This week is under way on
 Monday Night Shot – 72

4 commenti su “Night Shot Monday – 072”

  1. Love your shot! Sorry I'm late visiting so late to thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #38… I've not been feeling well.

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