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Ponte Sant’Angelo – Sant’Angelo Bridge

Ponte Sant’Angelo fu costruito tra il 130 e il 135 dall’imperatore Adriano per collegare il suo mausoleo alla riva sinistra del Tevere.

Durante i lavori del 1892 per la costruzione degli argini la larghezza del fiume venne portata a 100 metri.
A causa di cio’  tre arcate minori sulla riva sinistra e due sulla riva destra furono sostituite da arcate moderne.
Il ponte assunse così l’aspetto attuale.

Ponte Sant’Angelo misura 130 metri in lunghezza, 9 in larghezza ed ha cinque arcate in muratura. 

The Sant’Angelo bridge was built by Emperor Hadrian between 130 and 135 a.C. to connect his mausoleum to the left bank of the Tiber.

During the work of 1892 for the construction of the banks the width of the river was brought to 100 meters.
Due to this three minor arches on the left bank and two on the right bank were replaced by modern arches..
And so the bridge took its present appearance.

The Sant’Angelo bridge measure 130 meters in length, 9 in width and has five arches bricked.

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