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Ombre di luce – Shadow of Light

Molto particolare il gioco di luci che si è venuto a creare su questa  parete…

Il muro fa parte delle Terme di Diocleziano, le più grandi terme di Roma antica (al solito vi rimando a  wikipedia per approfondimenti).

P.S. Vi aspetto ogni lunedì per il Monday night Shot

Very particular the play of light that has been created on this wall…

The wall is part of the Baths of Diocletian, the largest thermal baths of ancient Rome (as usual, I refer you to wikipedia for reference).

P.S. See you every monday for the Monday night Shot!

2 commenti su “Ombre di luce – Shadow of Light”

  1. Now if you have the slightest interest in aliens, you'll know that these are very special signs.
    Don't believe me? Try a google search on Light circles !
    (my sister's deep into that, that's how I know. Don't expect me to buy it though)

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