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Vi ho già raccontato delle piogge torrenziali che hanno investio Roma tempo fa (vedi qui e qui).

Il “lago” venuosi a creare in seguito a uan di queste piogge, mi ha dato l’occasione per immortalare lo spettacolo di riflessi che vedete nella foto.

P.S. Vi aspetto ogni lunedì per il Monday Night Shot!

I have already told the torrential rains that have invested Rome time ago (see here and here).

The “Lake” created due to one of these rains, gave me the opportunity to capture the spectacle of reflexes that you see in the picture.

P.S. See you every monday for the Monday Night Shot!

2 commenti su “Reflections”

  1. WOW!!! This is one awesome reflection shot. All the water really let to your being able to capture a one of a kind picture. The colors and all the trees and their reflections make for one fabulous shot.

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