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Alba – Sunrise

Italian Flag
Zoom al massimo (105 mm) e diaframma chiuso a f/36 per immortalare il Sole alle 7,25 del mattino del 2 ottobre  …

Qui altre foto catturate sempre all’alba.

Camera: Nikon D5100
Obiettivo: 18-105 mm f/3.5-5.6 (dist. focale 105mm)
Esposizione: 1/30 sec, f/36, ISO 100

Maximum zoom (105mm) and aperture f/36 to capture the Sun at 7.25 am on October 2 …

Here other photos captured at dawn.

Camera: Nikon D5100
Lens: 18-105 mm  f/3.5-5.6  (focal length 105 mm)
Exposure:  1/30 sec, f/36, ISO 100

Night Shot Monday

E’ in corso il / Is under way on
 Monday Night Shot – 87

Watery Wednesday
E’ in corso il /  Is under way on
 Watery Wednesday – 09 

8 commenti su “Alba – Sunrise”

  1. That's lovely! Normally I hate it when power lines and utility poles appear in my sky photos, but in your photo they add delicate and graceful silhouettes that actually enhance the beauty!

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