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Night Shot Monday – 112

Italian Flag


Ci troviamo davanti al Foro Italico, il grande complesso sportivo sorto in epoca fascista.

L’obelisco venne eretto nel 1932 e reca l’iscrizione Mussolini Dux incisa a grandi lettere sul fusto.

La sua altezza è di 17.5 metri, ma le sue dimensioni sono quasi raddoppiate dall’alta base e dalla piccola piramide in cima..

All’epoca era  credenza popolare che questa priamide fosse d’oro, ma si rivelò falsa subito dopo la caduta del Duce.

Camera: Nikon D5100
Obiettivo: 55-300 mm f/4.5-5.6 (distanza focale 92mm)  
Esposizione: 1/160 sec, f/4,5 ISO 1600

We are facing at the Foro Italico sports complex, built during the Fascist era.

The Obelisk was erected in 1932 and bears the inscription “Mussolini Dux” engraved in large letters on the frame.

Its height is 17.5 meters, but its dimensions are nearly doubled  by the high base and the small pyramid on top…

At the time it was popularly believed that this pyramid was made of gold, but it turned out to be false after the fall of Mussolini.

Camera: Nikon D5100
Lens: 55-300 mm f/4.5-5.6 (focal length 92mm)
Exposure: 1/160 sec, f/4,5 ISO 1600

Night Shot Monday

E’ in corso il / Is under way on
 Night Shot Monday – 112

Watery Wednesday

E’ in corso il / Is under way on
 Watery Wednesday – 28

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