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Dark Yellow Sunset

Italian Flag
Un paio di settimane fa, alle 20:43 dal balcone di casa mia…

Qui trovate altri miei scatti al tramonto.

Camera: Nikon D5100
Obiettivo:  18-105 mm f/3.5-5.6 (distanza focale 24mm) 
Esposizione: 1/60 sec, f/10 ISO 220

A couple of weeks ago, at 20:43 from the balcony of my house ….

Here is my other sunset shots

Camera: Nikon D5100
Lens: 18-105 mm f/3.5-5.6 (focal length 24mm)
Exposure: /60 sec, f/10 ISO 220

Sky Watch Friday

Night Shot Monday
E’ in corso il / Is under way on
 Night Shot Monday – 117
Watery Wednesday

E’ in corso il / Is under way on
 Watery Wednesday – 32

3 commenti su “Dark Yellow Sunset”

  1. How fortunate to be able to view/shoot such a marvelous scene from one's own balcony. The two silhouetted buildings stand like sentries [against the forces/beauty of nature?]. Well done!

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